Federal Parts Engineering
28, Jalan Permatang 8,
Taman Desa Jaya,
81100 Johor Bahru,
Johor, Malaysia.
+6012-738 7766 - General Enquiry
+6011-2828 8299 - Sales & Admin
+607-354 4923


Thermal Spray & Applications

Turbo Charger Turbine Shaft bush journal worn out

Metal spray rebuild and machine carbon teflon piston ring seat ID95 x Depth 145mm

Drum OD1100 X TH1400mm, sprayweld repair bearing journal OD100 X L50mm

Metal Stitching Crack Repair & Applications

To metal stitching repair fractured / broken delivery gripper bar, ensuring straightness and trueness after repair

Crack around labyrinth seal surface & inner structure

Metal stitch repair cracks at surface and inner seats

Permanent Thread Repair


Ceramic Spray Coatings & Applications

Ceramic spray coating on seal journals

Ceramic coating seal journal Dia.85mm x 3 parts

Ceramic (Chrome Oxide) coating end face Dia.100mm x Dia.75mm

Stellite Welding & Applications

stellite hardface valve seat and press fit to valve seat body cage, recondition valve plug c/w lapping

To argon weld and spray weld repair valve stem taper seat and precision machine to original profile

to stellite hardfacing valve lid and precision machine to angle fit

Ancillary Engineering Services

Gap Bed Lathe Machine Work

Re-chroming and polish surface to original profile

Worn out / scratched fins and collar surface to conduct solid sus argon weld and hand file & grind to profile

argon weld repair piston shoulder Dia. 500mm with sus309 and precision machine to size


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